Your Rights!
Mass Tort Lawyers
At the Law Offices of Jason Turchin, we understand the devastating impact of mass injuries and the complexities involved in mass tort litigation. Our national mass torts attorneys are dedicated to representing individuals against powerful defendants in cases of widespread harm. If you were hurt by a product, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Call or chat with us today to see if you may qualify for compensation. We represent victims throughout the United States in automotive defect cases, consumer product injury claims, medical device cases and pharmaceutical injury claims.

What is a Mass Tort?
Mass torts injuries to a wide group of people caused by one or more common at-fault parties. Mass tort lawsuits are legal actions that enable a large group of plaintiffs to collectively address grievances against one or several defendants. These actions often arise from environmental hazards, defective medical devices, consumer product defects, and more.
Sample Mass Tort Cases
The Law Offices of Jason Turchin has extensive experience in managing mass tort cases across a variety of sectors. Here are some examples of the types of cases we can handle:
Consumer Product Defects:
- Pressure Cooker Explosions: Representing individuals who have suffered burns and injuries due to defective pressure cookers.
- Electronic Device Malfunctions: Advocating for consumers affected by overheating, fires, and explosions caused by defective electronic devices.
- Electric Blanket Burns: We represent several people burned by electric blankets caused by defective automatic shut-off systems, wiring issues and other defects which can cause the blankets to overheat and burn the user.
- Coffee Maker Explosions: We’ve handled numerous claims for consumers burned by hot water and coffee from coffee makers.
- Waffle Maker Burns: Our product liability lawyers have handled numerous claims around the US for victims burned by exploding waffles that were pressurized during the cooking process.
Automotive Defects:
- Faulty Airbag Cases: Handling claims related to airbags that fail to deploy or deploy with excessive force, including those which shoot shrapnel out of them after a crash.
- Tire Defect Litigation: Assisting victims of accidents caused by defective tires that result in tread separation or blowouts.
Medical Device Failures:
- Hip Replacement Recalls: Pursuing justice for patients who have undergone revision surgeries due to faulty hip implants.
- Transvaginal Mesh Complications: Representing women who have suffered severe complications from transvaginal mesh implants.
Pharmaceutical Litigation:
- Eye Drop Litigation: Advocating for communities and individuals affected by the negligent distribution of eye drops containing bacteria.
- Birth Defects: Seeking compensation for families affected by birth defects linked to the use of medication during pregnancy.
Environmental and Toxic Torts:
- Chemical Spills and Exposure: Litigating on behalf of individuals who have suffered health issues due to exposure to toxic substances.
- Water Contamination Lawsuits: Representing communities whose water supplies have been contaminated by industrial pollutants.
Workplace and Industrial Disasters:
- Factory Explosions: Providing legal support for workers and nearby residents affected by industrial explosions and accidents.
- Asbestos Exposure Claims: Helping individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.
These examples represent just a small sampling of the kinds of mass tort cases The Law Offices of Jason Turchin is prepared to handle. We are dedicated to achieving justice for our clients, no matter the complexity or scale of the litigation. If you have been affected by these or similar issues, we are here to provide the legal experience and support you need.
Damages in Mass Tort Litigation
Victims of mass torts may often seek damages for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, out of pocket expenses, and punitive damages, where applicable. Our goal is to fight to help ensure you are fully compensated for the losses you’ve endured.

Multidistrict Litigations (MDLs)
Multi-District Litigation (MDL) in federal court is a legal procedure designed to efficiently handle complex cases that involve multiple plaintiffs across different jurisdictions, typically in cases like mass torts or large-scale product liability suits. In MDL, similar individual cases are transferred to a single federal court for pre-trial proceedings, including discovery and motion hearings. This consolidation often streamlines the process, reduces conflicting rulings, and conserves resources. Each case retains its individual nature, and if a settlement isn’t reached during the MDL process, cases can be sent back to their original courts for trial. We have experience in navigating these consolidated proceedings.
Class Actions vs. Individual Claims
Class actions are consolidated cases, but often decisions on settlement are made by the lead Plaintiffs, which may be ratified by class members. Class actions could be opt in or opt out, and can take many years to resolve. While class actions are a form of litigating a mass tort, they are not the only option. We assist clients in determining whether to join a class action or pursue individual litigation, based on what is most advantageous for their unique situation.
Federal and State Lawsuits
The Law Offices of Jason Turchin is equipped to litigate mass tort cases at both the federal and state levels, which can help with nationwide access to justice for our clients. This can be particularly important in cases where a national company sells a defective product and consumers are hurt in places where the lawyers don’t have experience in product liability or mass tort cases. We can work with local lawyers to help prosecute product liability lawsuits throughout the US to help level the field against these large corporations.
Examples of Mass Tort Cases
Our firm has represented clients in a variety of mass tort cases, including:
- Defective medical devices resulting in widespread injury
- Pharmaceutical litigation involving drugs with severe side effects
- Automotive defects causing accidents and injuries
- Hundreds of pressure cooker lawsuits
- Wafflemaker injury claims
- and many more
Why Choose The Law Offices of Jason Turchin for Mass Tort Lawsuits?
We are committed to holding corporations accountable and securing the compensation our clients deserve. Our national reach and collaborative approach with co-counsel across the US can bring a comprehensive perspective to your case. If you have been affected by a product or practice that has caused widespread harm, contact The Law Offices of Jason Turchin for a consultation on how we can represent you in a mass tort litigation.
Have you suffered due to a defective product or corporate negligence? Feel free to reach out to The Law Offices of Jason Turchin today to join a collective fight for justice in a mass tort lawsuit.